Attribute Property

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Definition of Attribute Property in Network Encyclopedia.

What is Attribute Property?

Attribute Property is a property of an object in Active Directory. Attributes are the actual information stored in an object. For example, a user class object is composed of attributes, such as a First Name attribute for a user account object.

Attribute Property
Attribute Property

Attributes define the actual characteristics of objects in Active Directory. Every class of objects has its own defining set of attributes. Different objects within this class are distinguished by the values of their attributes. Some attributes, such as the First Name attribute for a user account object, must have a value assigned to them when they are created. Other attributes, such as Phone Number, can optionally be left unvalued.

Each attribute in Active Directory is defined only once and can be used for many different object classes. All objects of the same type have the same set of attributes. Different objects of the same type are distinguished by different attribute values. It is, therefore, the values of the attributes of a particular object that make that object unique in Active Directory.

Attributes are defined in a special portion of Active Directory. An attribute definition includes

  • The syntax (type of information) of the attribute, such as integer, date, or string
  • Whether the attribute is single-valued or multivalued

Each syntax type is specified by an object identifier, which is a globally unique identifier (GUID) issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The allowable syntax types for attributes of objects in Active Directory are shown in this table.

Allowable Syntax Types for Object Attributes

SyntaxObject IdentifierDescription
Undefined2.5.5.0Not a legal syntax
Distinguished name2.5.5.1The fully qualified name of an object in the directory
Object identifier2.5.5.2Identifies an object
Case-sensitive string2.5.5.3Differentiates uppercase and lowercase
Case-insensitive string2.5.5.4Does not differentiate uppercase and lowercase
Print case string2.5.5.5Printable string
Numeric string2.5.5.6A sequence of digits
OR name2.5.5.7An x400 e-mail address
Boolean2.5.5.8TRUE or FALSE
Integer2.5.5.9A 32-bit number
Octet string2.5.5.10A string of bytes
Time2.5.5.11The number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970
Unicode2.5.5.12Wide string
NT security descriptor2.5.5.15 66Windows NT Security Descriptor
Large integer2.5.5.16A 64-bit number
Security identifier (SID) 4SID

See also: Object Identifier in Active Directory
