Web Page

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Definition of Web Page in Network Encyclopedia.

What is Web Page?

Web Page is a file of text information formatted using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and possibly including scripts and active content, that is sent by a Web server in response to a Web browser’s request.

Web Page
Web Page

Web pages are generally of two types:

Elements of a Web Page

A web page, as an information set, can contain numerous types of information, which is able to be seen, heard or interacted with by the end user:

Perceived (rendered) information:

  • Textual information: with diverse render variations.
  • Non-textual information:
    • Static images may be raster graphics, typically JPEG, GIF, or PNG; or vector formats such as SVG or Flash.
    • Animated images typically Animated GIF and SVG, but also Flash, Shockwave, or Java applet.
    • Audio, typically MP3, Ogg or various proprietary formats.
    • Video, WMV (Windows), RM (RealMedia), FLV (Flash Video), MPG, MOV (QuickTime)
  • Interactive information: see interactive media.
    • For “on page” interaction:
      • Interactive text: see DHTML.
      • Interactive illustrations: ranging from “click to play” images to games, typically using script orchestration, Flash, Java applets, SVG, or Shockwave.
      • Buttons: forms providing an alternative interface, typically for use with script orchestration and DHTML.
    • For “between pages” interaction:
      • Hyperlinks: standard “change page” reactivity.
      • Forms: providing more interaction with the server and server-side databases.

Internal (hidden) information:

  • Comments
  • Linked Files through Hyperlink (Like DOC, XLS, PDF, etc.)
  • Metadata with semantic meta-information, Charset information, Document Type Definition (DTD), etc.
  • Diagrammatic and style information: information about rendered items (like image size attributes) and visual specifications, as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
  • Scripts, usually JavaScript, complement interactivity, and functionality.

Note: on server-side the web page may also have “Processing Instruction Information Items”.

The web page can contain dynamically adapted information elements, dependent upon the rendering browser or end-user location (through the use of IP address tracking and/or “cookie” information).

From a more general/wide point of view, some information (grouped) elements, like a navigation bar, are uniform for all website pages, like a standard. This kind of “website standard information” are supplied by technologies like web template systems.

Web References
