Category: General Concepts

  • 100VG-AnyLan: The Forgotten Path to High-Speed Networking

    100VG-AnyLan: The Forgotten Path to High-Speed Networking

    Let’s delve into the history of 100VG-AnyLan, a once-promising alternative to Fast Ethernet, exploring its specifications, technological roots, and the reasons behind its decline.

  • 100BaseTX: Implementation and Troubleshooting

    100BaseTX: Implementation and Troubleshooting

    100BaseTX is a type of standard for implementing Fast Ethernet networks.

  • 100BaseT4


    100BASE-T4 is a type of standard for implementing Fast Ethernet networks. 100BaseT4 is based on 802.3u, which is an extension of the 802.3 specifications of Project 802 developed by the IEEE.

  • 100BaseFX


    100BaseFX networks are a standard for Fast Ethernet, based on 802.3u. Find out more by reading the full article.

  • 1000BaseT


    1000BASE-T is a type of standard for implementing Gigabit Ethernet networks. The T in 1000BaseT identifies it as an extension of the traditional 10BaseT and 100BaseT Ethernet technologies for transmission over copper unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cabling.

  • 1000BaseSX


    Let’s delve into the world of 1000Base-SX, a fiber optic Gigabit Ethernet standard for operation over multi-mode fiber.

  • 1000BaseLX


    Dive into the 1000Base-LX standard, a cornerstone of Gigabit Ethernet technology that uses long-wavelength signals for extended reach over both fiber and copper networks.

  • 1000BaseCX


    Dive into the technicalities and applications of 1000BaseCX, the robust standard for Gigabit Ethernet over copper cabling, in our extensive guide.

  • Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)

    Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)

    ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, is a telco service that provides subscribers with high-speed digital telephone services.

  • Adapter: Bridging the Gap

    Adapter: Bridging the Gap

    Dive into the world of network hardware adapters, exploring their vital role in connecting diverse electronic devices for seamless network functionality.

  • Active Server Pages (ASP)

    Active Server Pages (ASP)

    Active Server Pages (ASP), later known as Classic ASP or ASP Classic, is Microsoft’s first server-side script engine for dynamically generated web pages for Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) version 3.0 and later.

  • Dynamic-Link Library (DLL)

    Dynamic-Link Library (DLL)

    DLL stands for Dynamic-Link Library, is a file containing executable routines that can be loaded on demand by an application.