Category: Letter A


    Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a widely accepted system for coding U.S. English text using numeric values.

  • ASCII File

    ASCII File

    An ASCII File is a file that contains unformatted ASCII text: only characters, numbers, punctuation, tabs, and carriage return characters.

  • autoexec.bat


    Autoexec.bat is a batch file used by the MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows 3.1 operating systems.

  • Automation (OLE Automation)

    Automation (OLE Automation)

    Automation makes it possible for one application to manipulate objects implemented in another application, or to expose objects so they can be manipulated.

  • Automatic Skip Driver Agent (ASD)

    Automatic Skip Driver Agent (ASD)

    Step back in time to explore the Automatic Skip Driver (ASD) Agent in Windows 98, a key player in system stability and user experience.

  • Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (ACR)

    Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (ACR)

    ACR stands for Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio is the ratio of the received strength of a signal on a pair of wires to the amount of crosstalk between the wires.

  • AT Command

    AT Command

    AT Command is a set of instructions used to control a modem. AT is the abbreviation of ATtention. Every command line starts with “AT” or “at” and that is why modem commands are called AT commands. AT Command is also a tool that can be used to schedule the execution of commands, batch files, and…

  • Asynchronous Transmission

    Asynchronous Transmission

    Asynchronous Transmission is a mode of serial transmission for modems and other telecommunication devices in which the data is transmitted as a continuous stream of bytes separated by start and stop bits.

  • Authorized Academic Training Program (AATP)

    Authorized Academic Training Program (AATP)

    AATP was a program offered by Microsoft to secondary and post-secondary educational institutions. Currently, Microsoft is running the Microsoft Schools Program and Microsoft Showcase Schools.

  • Autodial


    Dive into the history of autodial in computer networking, exploring its significance during the dial-up era, its advantages, challenges, and its enduring legacy in today’s digital landscape.

  • Application Service Provider (ASP)

    Application Service Provider (ASP)

    Application Service Provider is a general term for a company that offers software services to business customers across a wide area network (WAN) such as the Internet, particularly services involving outsourcing of Web and e-business applications.

  • Applet


    An Applet is a program written using the Java programming language, which can be accessed through a Web page and downloaded to the client machine where it is run within the Web browser window.