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Updated Articles

Windows Script Host (WSH)

Windows Script Host (WSH)

Updated on: September 7, 2019

Windows Script Host, or WSH, is a language-independent scripting host included with Microsoft Windows Operating Systems that allows administrators to execute scripts for administrative tasks either from the command console (using cscript.exe) or by double-clicking on a desktop shortcut (using wscript.exe).

WINS Proxy Agent

WINS Proxy Agent

Updated on: September 6, 2019

WINS Proxy Agent is a computer on a network that enables non-WINS clients to perform NetBIOS name resolution using Windows Internet Name Service (WINS).

WINS Server

WINS Server

Updated on: September 6, 2019

WINS server is a Microsoft Windows-based server running the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) that can accept NetBIOS name registrations and queries.

NetBIOS over TCP/IP node types

NetBIOS over TCP/IP node types

Updated on: September 6, 2019

NetBIOS over TCP/IP node types are different configurations or node types of NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) hosts.

Boot Files

Boot Files

Updated on: September 6, 2019

Boot Files are files needed to boot an operating system on a computer.

Application Service Provider (ASP)

Application Service Provider (ASP)

Updated on: September 5, 2019

Application Service Provider is a general term for a company that offers software services to business customers across a wide area network (WAN) such as the Internet, particularly services involving outsourcing of Web and e-business applications.

Applet (Java)


Updated on: September 5, 2019

An Applet is a program written using the Java programming language, which can be accessed through a Web page and downloaded to the client machine where it is run within the Web browser window.

Apple Open Transport

Apple Open Transport

Updated on: September 5, 2019

Apple Open Transport is an Apple networking technology for transport-independent networking that is part of the networking and communication subsystem of the Macintosh operating system.

ARCNET Adapter


Updated on: September 5, 2019

ARCNET is an acronym for Attached Resource Computer Network, an early local area network (LAN) architecture developed in 1976 by Datapoint Corporation.