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Updated Articles

Organizational Unit (OU)

Organizational Unit (OU)

Updated on: August 23, 2019

Organizational Unit is a type of container object in Active Directory of Microsoft Windows 2000 that can contain other Active Directory objects.

NTFS Special Permissions

NTFS special permissions (Windows NT)

Updated on: August 23, 2019

NTFS Special Permissions are individual permissions granted or denied when NTFS file system standard permissions are not sufficiently granular for specific security purposes.

Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)

Updated on: August 23, 2019

Definition of Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) in Network Encyclopedia. What is Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)? SMS is a Microsoft BackOffice application for managing an organization’s networked computers. Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) lets network administrators: Manage their hardware and software assetsDistribute new software from a central locationManage shared applications loaded from network serversPerform […]

DHCP Relay Agent

DHCP Relay Agent

Updated on: August 19, 2019

DHCP Relay Agent is a TCP/IP host that is configured to allow a single DHCP server to lease IP address information to DHCP clients on multiple subnets.

Access Control Active Directory

Access Control

Updated on: August 15, 2019

Access Control is a general term describing how administrators can secure access to objects in Active Directory.