Tag: Domain Name System

  • FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name

    FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name

    Dive into the essentials of FQDN, understanding its structure, significance in DNS, and its role in the digital world. A complete guide to fully qualified domain names.

  • DNS Database

    DNS Database

    DNS Database is the collection of database files, or zone files, and associated files that contain resource records for a domain.

  • DNS Client: Navigating the Digital Sea

    DNS Client: Navigating the Digital Sea

    DNS Client is a client machine configured to send name resolution queries to a DNS server. A DNS client is also called a resolver. When a client needs to resolve a remote host’s name into its IP address, it sends a request to the DNS server, which returns the IP address of the remote host.…

  • Inverse Query: A DNS Look Back

    Inverse Query: A DNS Look Back

    An Inverse Query is a Domain Name System (DNS) query in which a resolver contacts a name server to perform a reverse name lookup, requesting a host name for a given IP address.