Category: Letter R

  • Router


    ROUTER is a networking device that is used to extend or segment networks by forwarding packets from one logical network to another.

  • Routing Protocol

    Routing Protocol

    Routing Protocol is a protocol that enables the exchange of routing tables between routers in an internetwork.

  • Routing Algorithm

    Routing Algorithm

    Dive deep into the fascinating world of the routing algorithm! Uncover its secrets, classifications, and why it’s the linchpin of modern networks.

  • Routing (in TCP/IP Networks)

    Routing (in TCP/IP Networks)

    ROUTING is the process of selecting a path through an internetwork over which to transmit packets to a destination host or hosts and then having devices called routers forward the packets to those hosts.

  • Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

    Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

    RIP stands for Routing Information Protocol, is a routing protocol that is used to exchange routing information between dynamic routers on IP Protocol or IPX. You should read the article to fully understand this concept.

  • Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)

    Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)

    Remote Network Monitoring, or RMON, is an extension of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) that allows detailed monitoring of network statistics for Ethernet networks.

  • RJ Connectors

    RJ Connectors

    RJ Connectors are a family of push-and-click connectors for twisted-pair wiring in telephone and network wiring.