In this article, we’re going to show an extensive list of all the computer networking acronyms and abbreviations we could think of.
Feel free to email us if you think there is an important abbreviation or acronym missing from this list. That would be very helpful.
This list of networking acronyms is sorted alphabetically. You can follow the links in this index for easy reference.
Acronym 2F-BLSR to CVoDSL
2F-BLSR | two-fiber bidirectional line switched ring |
2F-OBLSR | two-fiber optical bidirectional link sharing ring |
2F-UPSR | two-fiber unidirectional path switched ring |
4F-BLSR | four-fiber bidirectional line switched ring |
4F-OBLSR | four-fiber optical bidirectional link sharing ring |
A2oMPLS | AAL 2 over MPLS |
AAL | ATM adaptation layer |
ABR | available bit rate |
ABT | ATM block transfer |
ACR | allowable cell rate |
ADM | add/drop multiplexer |
ADPCM | adaptive pulse code modulation |
ADSL | asymmetric digital subscriber line |
AFI | authority and format identifier |
ANP | AAL 2 negotiation procedure |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
APON | ATM passive optical networks |
APS | automatic protection switching |
ARIMA | autoregressive integrated moving average |
ARP | address resolution protocol |
ATM | asynchronous transfer mode |
ATU-C | ADSL transceiver unit at the central office |
ATU-R | ADSL transceiver unit at the remote terminal |
BAS | broadband access server |
BCD | binary coded decimal |
BE | best effort service |
BECN | backward explicit congestion notification |
B-frame | bidirectional-coded frame |
BGP | border gateway protocol |
BIP | bit interleaved parity |
B-ISDN | broadband integrated services data network |
BLSR | bidirectional line switched ring |
BPSR | bidirectional path switched ring |
BT | burst tolerance |
CAC | call admission control |
CAS | channel-associated signaling |
CBR | constant bit rate |
CBS | committed burst size |
CCITT | International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee |
CCR | current cell rate |
CCS | common channel signaling |
CDR | committed data rate |
CDVT | cell delay variation tolerance |
CER | cell error rate |
CES | circuit emulation service |
cHEC | core head error control |
CI | connection identifier |
CID | channel identifier |
CIDR | classless inter-domain routing |
CLEC | competitive local exchange carrier |
CLP | cell loss priority bit |
CLR | cell loss rate |
CM | cable modem |
CMR | cell misinsertion rate |
CMTS | cable modem termination system |
CO | central office |
CoS | class of service |
CPCS | common part convergence sublayer |
CPS | common part sublayer |
CRC | cyclic redundant check |
CR-LDP | constraint routing-label distribution protocol |
CS | convergence sublayer |
CSI | convergence sublayer indication |
CTD | cell transfer delay |
CVoDSL | channelized voice over DSL |
Acronym DBCE to G-PID
DBCE | dynamic bandwidth circuit emulation services |
DBR | deterministic bit rate |
DCC | data country code |
DCE | data communication equipment |
DCS | digital cross connect system |
DDS1 | digital subscriber signaling system no. 1 |
DDS2 | digital subscriber signaling system no. 2 |
diffserv | differentiated service |
DMCR | desirable minimum cell rate |
DMT | discrete multi-tone |
DOCSIS | data-over-cable service interim specification |
DoS | data over SONET/SDH or Denial of Service |
DS | delay sensitive service |
DSL | digital subscriber loop |
DSLAM | ADSL access multiplexer |
DSP | domain-specific part |
DSS1 | digital subscriber signaling system no.1 |
DTE | data terminal equipment |
DTMF | dual-tone multi-frequency |
DWDM | dense DWDM |
EADPCM | embedded adaptive pulse code modulation |
EBS | excess burst size |
ECON | enterprise system connect |
EDF | early deadline first |
EDFA | Erbium-doped fiber amplifier |
EDU | encoding data units |
EFCN | explicit forward congestion notification |
EIA | Electronics Industries Association |
E-NNI | external network node interface |
ER | explicit rate |
ER-TLV | explicit route TLV |
ESI | end system identifier |
EXI | extension header identifier |
FAS | frame alignment signal |
FCS | frame check sequence |
FDL | fiber delay lines |
FDM | frequency division multiplexing |
FDMA | frequency division multiple access |
FEC | forwarding equivalent class |
FF | fixed filter style |
FIB | forwarding information base |
FICON | fiber connection |
FRP | fast reservation protocol |
FSAN | full service access networks |
FSC | fiber-switch capable interface |
FTN | FEC-to-NHLFE map |
FTTB | fiber to the basement |
FTTB/C | fiber to the basement/curb |
FTTC | fiber to the curb |
FTTCab | fiber to the cabinet |
FTTH | fiber to the home |
GbE | gigabit Ethernet |
GCRA | generic cell rate algorithm |
GFC | generic flow control |
GFP | generic framing procedure |
GFP-F | frame-mapped GFP |
GFP-T | transparent-mapped GFP |
GFR | guaranteed frame rate |
GMPLS | generalized MPLS |
GOP | group of pictures |
G-PID | generalized payload identifier |
Acronym HDLC to MTU
HDLC | high-level data link control |
HDSL | high data rate DSL |
HEC | header error control |
HFC | hybrid fiber coaxial |
HO-DSP | high-order DSP |
IBP | interrupted Bernoulli process |
ICD | international code designator |
ICMP | Internet control message protocol |
IDI | initial domain identifier |
IDP | initial domain part |
IE | information elements |
IEC | International Electronical Commission |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IFP | Interrupted fluid process |
I-frame | intra-coded frame |
ILEC | incumbent local exchange carrier |
InATMARP | inverse ATMARP |
I-NNI | internal network-node interface |
intserv | integrated services |
IP | Internet protocol |
IPCC | IP control channel |
IPP | interrupted Poisson process |
ISDN | integrated service data network |
ISO | International Organization of Standards |
ISOC | Internet Society |
ISP | Internet service provider |
ISUP | integrated service user part |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
IWF | interworking function |
JET | just enough time |
JIT | just in time |
L2TP | layer 2 tunnel protocol |
LAC | L2TP access concentrator |
laser | light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation |
LCAS | link capacity adjustment scheme |
LD-CELP | low delay code excited linear prediction |
LDP | label distribution protocol |
LES | loop emulation service |
LFIB | label forward information base |
LI | length indicator |
LIS | logical IP subnet |
LMP | link management protocol |
LOH | line overhead |
LSA | link-state advertisements |
LSC | lambda switch capable interface |
LSP | label switched path |
LSR | label switching router |
LWPF | low water peak fiber |
MBS | maximum burst size |
MCR | minimum cell rate |
MEMS | micro electronic mechanical systems |
MFAS | multi-frame alignment signal |
MFS | maximum frame size |
MIN | multistage interconnection network |
MMBP | Markov modulated Bernoulli process |
MMPP | Markov modulated Poisson process |
MPLS | multi-protocol label switching |
MSC | message switching center |
MTP | message transfer part |
MTU | maximum transfer unit |
Acronym NAS to PVC
NAS | network access server |
NDF | negative dispersion fiber |
NHLFE | next hop label forwarding entry |
N-ISDN | narrowband ISDN |
NNI | network node interface |
nrtPS | non-real-time polling service |
NRT-SBR | non-real-time statistical bit rate |
NRT-VBR | non-real-time variable bit rate |
NSAP | network service access point |
NSP | network service provider |
NTR | network timing reference |
NZDF | non-zero dispersion fiber |
OADM | optical add/drop multiplexer |
OAM | operations, administration, maintenance |
OBS | optical burst switching |
OC | optical carrier |
Och | optical channel |
ODU | Och data unit |
OIF | Optical Internetworking Forum |
OLSA | optical LSA |
OLT | optical line terminator |
OMS | optical multiplex section |
ONT | optical network terminator |
ONU | optical network unit |
OPS | optical packet switching |
OPU | Och payload unit |
OQoS | optical QoS |
OSF | offset field |
OSI | open system interconnection reference model |
OSPF | open shortest path first |
OTN | optical transport network |
OTS | optical transmission section |
OUPSR | optical unidirectional path sharing ring |
OUT | Och transport unit |
OXC | optical cross connect |
PBS | peak burst size |
PBX | private branch exchange |
PCM | pulse code modulation |
PCR | peak cell rate |
PDH | plesiochronous digital hierarchy |
PDR | peak data rate |
PDU | protocol data unit |
PE | provider edge |
PFI | payload FCS indicator |
P-frame | predictive-coded frame |
PIM | protocol independent multicast |
PLI | payload length indicator |
PLOAM | physical layer OAM |
PMD | physical medium dependent sublayer |
PNNI | private network-network interface or private network node interface |
POF | plastic optical fibers |
POH | payload overhead |
PON | passive optical network |
POP | point of presence |
PoS | packet over SONET |
PPD | partial packet discard |
PPP | point-to-point protocol |
PPT | packet payload |
PSC | packet-switch capable interface |
PSTN | public switched telephone network |
PTI | payload type indicator |
PVC | permanent virtual connection |
Acronym QAM to SVC
QAM | quadrature amplitude modulation |
QoS | quality of service |
RADIUS | remote authentication dial in user service |
RARP | reverse address resolution protocol |
RDN | routing data node |
RFC | request for comments |
RM | resource management |
ROC | regional operations center |
RSVP | resource reservation protocol |
RSVP-TE | resource reservation protocol – traffic engineering |
rtPS | real-time polling service |
RT-SBR | real-time statistical bit rate |
RT-VBR | real-time variable bit rate |
SAAL | signaling AAL |
SAN | storage area networks |
SAR | segmentation-and-reassembly sublayer |
SB-ADPCM | sub-band adaptive pulse code modulation |
SBR | statistical bit rate |
SCCP | signaling connection control part |
SCR | sustained cell rate |
SDH | synchronous digital hierarchy |
SDSL | symmetric DSL |
SDT | structured data transfer |
SDU | service data unit |
SE | shared explicit style |
SECBR | severely errored cell block ratio |
SEG-SSCS | segmentation and reassembly SSCS |
SEL | selector |
SID | silence insertion description |
SL | signaling link |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio |
SOA | semiconductor optical amplifier |
SOH | section overhead |
SONET | synchronous optical network |
SP | signaling point |
SPE | synchronous payload envelope |
SRLG | shared risk link group |
SRTS | synchronous residual time stamp |
SS6 | signaling system no. 6 |
SS7 | signaling system no. 7 |
SSADT | service-specific assured data transfer sublayer |
SSCF | service-specific connection function |
SSCOP | service-specific connection oriented protocol |
SSCS | service-specific convergence sublayer |
SSMF | standard single-mode fiber |
SSSAR | service-specific segmentation and reassembly sublayer |
SSTED | service-specific transmission error detection sublayer |
STF | start field |
STM | synchronous transfer mode |
STP | signaling transfer point |
STS | synchronous transport signal |
SVC | switched virtual connection or switched virtual circuit |
Computer Networking Acronyms TAW to xDSL
TAW | tell and wait |
TC | transmission convergence sublayer |
TCAP | transaction capabilities application part |
TE | terminal equipment |
TG | trunk group |
tHEC | type head error control |
TLV | type-length-value |
TNA | transport network administrative |
TNE | terminal network element |
TOH | transport overhead |
TS | throughput sensitive service |
TTL | time to live |
TUP | telephone user part |
UBR | unspecified bit rate |
UGS | unsolicited grant service |
ULSR | unidirectional line switched ring |
UNI | user network interface |
UPI | user payload identifier |
UPSR | unidirectional path switched ring |
USG-AD | unsolicited grant service with activity detection |
UUI | user-to-user indication |
VCC | virtual channel connection |
VCEL | vertical cavity surface emitting laser |
VCI | virtual channel identifier |
VDSL | very high data rate DSL |
VoIP | voice over IP |
VoMPLS | voice over MPLS |
VPI | virtual path identifier |
VPN | virtual private networks |
VPC | virtual path connections |
VTG | virtual tributary group |
WAN | wide area networks |
WDM | wavelength division multiplexing |
WF | wildcard-filter style |
xDSL | x-type digital subscriber line |