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Updated Articles

Authorized Academic Training Program (AATP)

Authorized Academic Training Program (AATP)

Updated on: March 30, 2024

Explore the transition from Microsoft’s AATP to its current certified training solutions. Dive into the past and present of tech education.

Root in computer science


Updated on: March 28, 2024

Root is the base of a hierarchical file system. It can also be the UNIX superuser or the CERN Data Analysis Framework, and more. Just read the article.

Asynchronous Transmission: the essence of data transmitted in intervals.

Asynchronous Transmission

Updated on: March 28, 2024

Asynchronous Transmission is a mode of serial transmission for modems and other telecommunication devices in which the data is transmitted as a continuous stream of bytes separated by start and stop bits.

Loopback (LAN)


Updated on: March 27, 2024

Loopback is a testing procedure in telecommunications in which a test signal is sent from a service provider’s central office (CO) to the customer premises and is returned or echoed by the customer premises equipment (CPE) back to the service provider. Loopback tests are used to check line integrity and the proper functioning of customer […]

HTTP Keep-Alives

Understanding HTTP Keep-Alives

Updated on: March 27, 2024

HTTP Keep-Alives is an enhanced version of HTTP persistent connections supported by Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). HTTP Keep-Alives allow a client Web browser to keep connections open with the Web server instead of closing them after the request has been answered and reopening them for each new Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request, which consumes system resources.

MAC Layer

Media Access Control (MAC) Layer

Updated on: March 27, 2024

The MAC Layer is one of the two sublayers into which the data-link layer (layer 2) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model is subdivided based on the specifications of IEEE Project 802.

Cell in Wireless Communication - The image, with its network of interconnected cell towers and overlapping coverage areas, effectively captures the essence of cellular network connectivity. he varying sizes of the towers and the visual elements of connectivity convey the dynamic and sophisticated nature of wireless communication.

Cell in Wireless Communication

Updated on: March 26, 2024

In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of cellular networks, delve into the structure and function of cells, examine different types of cells and their applications, and discuss the handover process that keeps connections alive as users move.

Wired vs. Wireless Networks: this image visually encapsulates the critical decision-making process involved in selecting the right network infrastructure, blending elements of both technologies in a futuristic and engaging manner.

Wired vs. Wireless Networks: Which is Right for Your Business?

Updated on: March 26, 2024

In the digital age, the network infrastructure a business chooses serves as its backbone, crucial for operational efficiency and scalability. As companies evolve and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of technology, the dilemma between opting for wired or wireless networks becomes increasingly significant.

Optical Carrier Levels (OC-x)

Optical Carrier (OC-x) Levels

Updated on: March 22, 2024

Discover the intricate world of Optical Carrier Levels (OC-x), their role in SONET and ATM networks, and how they compare with the T-Carrier system. Learn about the modern technologies that have replaced these legacy systems.